Archive for the ‘Updates’ Category

…find is slightly ironic that Mel Gibson made a movie called “What Women Want?” and now here is he is … that’s kind of strange. Watching this trailer has been like a really bad forshadowing.

From now on any asshole, sexist, dickwad I meat I’m going to say “You’re a regular Mel Gisbon, aren’t you?”

but also very funny.

I was going to do a whole post about the Mel Gibson stuff going on but I couldn’t get around to caring enough about him to write anything of substance and truth so…I’ll just post this funny tidbit and move on.

Also, Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted, trying to work on getting the new site up, putting together the July issue as well as getting my affairs in order for school this fall (i’m going back for a second bachelors starting in August).

Hope everyone had a pleasant Fourth of July :]

and as a public declaration of my geekyness. Does anyone else find this humorous?

In preparation for our change over to a new domain and an exciting new facelift to the site, we are halting putting out an issue for this month.

WE ARE NOT DONE. We have much more to bring to you and offer you. We are expanding at a rate we did not anticipate and we are taking a bold new direction all of which require our attention and resources.

Stay tuned for the grand reveal as well expect to change sites within the next month. Please follow us on twitter if you haven’t so you know when the site changes and what the new URL will be.

Woot Woot!

And the fuckery that is involved in alot of the whole identity behind it. This video is complete shit.

Firefighters responding to an emergency call  at 9:40 p.m. found the 39-year-old Monjack dead at the Hollywood Hills residence, Lozano said. The caller has yet to be identified.

Damn, her mom has been through a lot. That’s….definitely interesting. Not much else to say but if you want to read the whole article, click here

Uh yeah. That’s…interesting.

Browsing CNN I came upon this article where the author responds to a “dirty” girl” trend where girls are acting rude, crude, drunk and all sorts of ways, kind of like Ke$ha for popularity and fame. There’s so much to say about this, but I think the author hit the nail right on the head when she boiled the concern down to (not the safety both physically and health wise of these girls) a form of sexism. Here’s an excerpt.

Now, I’m no Ke$ha fan. (I just cringed as I typed that ridiculous “$” in her name.) Her lyrics and videos embrace shock value for no reason beyond shock. But pop stars being blandly offensive are nothing new – Elvis was no different. Except for one tiny detail: Elvis was male.

And that’s what’s really at issue here. Bad boys make us shriek and faint. Bad girls make us worry. Don’t they know that acting like that is dangerous?

Then she said something that is very similar to the section about Alcohol i wrote in the recent May Issue of our magazine.

Did you know that, according to one study, if alcohol is involved in a sexual assault, the assailant is slightly more likely than the victim to have been drinking? And yet where are the messages telling boys not to get so drunk they can’t tell if their partner is consenting?

Rapists know exactly who’s going to be blamed if their victim has been drinking. That’s why they tell researchers that they deliberately introduce alcohol into the situation when they’re planning an assault, to increase their plausible deniability. When we focus on women’s drinking and not men’s behavior toward drunk women, we play right into their hands.

I don’t drink. I don’t like when people drink to get drunk to me it’s stupid and just going to take off the list a host of things one could do later while they are sober. So i already don’t accept the fact that one should be constantly going out and getting plastered. I think if people are going to drink they should have a certain level of responsibility, definitely. If a woman is going out to drink she needs to be aware of the situation and understand there are certain factors she CAN control only if she’s not completely wasted. This whole bad girl image is nice, that’s fine, whatever but it’s not cool to say “I’M DRUNK OFF MY ASS!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” like it’s the coolest thing in the world. Js.

What are your thoughts on the article?

It’s an interesting experiment to say the least. I don’t have much to say about this,I don’t know what to say. I don’t think that the mother taught her child to think that way I think it’s more having to do with teachers and other outside factors but…IDK. What are your thoughts?

Link to story.

Well at least the ones among us that have gone to college or have supported someone through college. In a recent article discusing 10 ways people are commonly gettting ripped off, they cited college textbooks as one of teh ways saying:

The Rip-Off: Textbooks cost the average American student about $900 per year. New editions often come out every three years and tend to run 45% more than used copies of previous editions. Between 1995 and 2004 textbook prices rose at more than four times the rate of inflation, according to Nicole Allen, a director at Student Public Interest Research Group, a student advocacy group. “Students are a captive audience since professors decide what books they need to buy,” says Allen.

How to Avoid It: Sites like and offer better deals than campus bookstores. Then there’s, a textbook rental site with an approach similar to that of Netflix

Book companies publish new books every year, for what? Well, other than the obvious role money plays they want to make corrections to the book. Like on page 135 where they accidently used “they’re” instead of “their” yeah they want to correct that. Which is perfectly fine, but at a cost of 90 bucks when you can get an old issue that has the same information for 40 dollars on amazon or somewhere. To further confuse you they commonly switch chapters around. So chapter 7 in the new book might be chapter 14 in the old book and vice versa. Basically it’s all about money. Maybe it’s all the documentaries I’ve been watching lately, but everything is about money right? Money and sex and since you can’t sell sex legally, except in Vegas, books will have to do for now.

You can read the rest of the article here.